
Saturday, August 21, 2010

I typically try not to touch on controversial topics.  One thing I've learned during my career in sales is to stay away from religion and politics. You're bound to upset someone, and cost yourself business.  However, this is my blog and I'll blog what I want to.

Yes, this is America. Yes, Americans have rights.  For example, a black man has the right to run for president. And win.  He also has the right to not screw up the possibility of other black people being elected to office by being controversial.  Controversy is for Hollywood, not the Oval Office.  

Religious freedom is a Constitutional right in this country. So is peaceable assembly.  But this issue raises two questions in my head.

  1. With the knowledge of the significance of the Ground Zero and surrounding blocks, why would any Muslim want to establish a place of worship there?
  2. Why did Obama say anything at all?

Expressing any sort of support for a group that shoulders the blame for one of the most-heinous acts in American history nearly assures that there will not be a second term of the Obama Administration.  Appearing insensitive to the American people on such a hot-button issue was a bad move, even if it is upholding the Constitution. 

Sometimes political correctness and diplomacy are the easy way out.  I believe that there was a diplomatic and politically correct way to address the issue since he felt the need to make a statement.  I agree that Muslims have a right to worship, but is it safe to worship there? On that block? On that street?

The struggling economy isn't his fault.  The fledgling housing market, the unemployment rate, the war (are they still looking for bin Laden?), not his fault. It will take a lot to get these issues corrected. He knew that before he took office. He had a plan, a goal, a vision to take steps to get America back where it once was. He knew there would difficulties convincing the public as well as other politicians of his policies. Misguided statements on controversial issues like this just add momentum to his plummeting approval rating, and I can guarantee that this topic will resurface at election time.

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