
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Spirituality Check

I have experienced an incredible run of divine blessings recently, and I feel like my spiritual relationship with the Almighty is growing exponentially each day.  In light of the blessings I've received, I have made (and am still making) a conscious effort to release ill will and residual grudges against those that have wronged me in the past. 

I called a friend to apologize for my role in a recent disagreement that left us not speaking for months. He didn't answer, so I left a message.  I'm not professing any new found holiness, just that I'm trying to walk the talk.  I hope that my sincere apology helps to heal a fractured friendship.  I felt good to make such an effort.  I decided to move down to the number two item on my list...

The Bible says that we should pray for our enemies, so I decided to take some time to speak to God about my worst sworn enemy.  Just as I'm sure there were people that prayed for Jack the Ripper, I would pray for the IRS.  Instead of simply asking to have my year-long issue resolved, I would ask for a fair and just decision from those responsible for evaluating every nook and cranny of my 2006 earnings.  I definitely wouldn't pray any harm upon them.

As I readied my words, I thought of the unambiguousness of The Good Book and how good it felt to be at such spiritual peace.  But I thought more... God's Word is unambiguous, but the IRS is quite ambiguous.  Hmmm... A government agency that's existence alone is unconstitutional.  So if I pray for an agency, its employees and the directives of said agency, would I then be praying against the Constitution? 

What a can of worms... By praying for the IRS and the binding amendments of the Constitution, wouldn't I be somehow praying for the demise of the IRS?  After all, I would also pray to be the last American to feel bullied and pillaged by Doug Shulman and the other thieves IRS staff.

(IRS Commissioner, Doug Shulman likes likes poetry, long walks and legal racketeering)

I felt conflicted.  I suppose I have more growing to do.  I clearly haven't healed of my negative feelings regarding the aftermath of being audited.  I am definitely in need of a lot more grace as well as some (more) patience.

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