
Friday, May 28, 2010

USA Track & Field To Replace Livestrong?

I'm a former track guy.  I ran track during all four years of high school. I barely missed qualifying for the state meet during my sophomore year in the triple jump, but qualified in my last two years and was named all-state during my senior year.  I used to watch meets on television, and I always tuned in during the Olympics.

I was reading a recent copy of the Sports Business Journal and I noticed an article highlighting some soon-to-be released limited-edition shoes geared toward increasing revenue for USA Track & Field (USATF).  According to the article, the shoe will commemorate 30 years since USATF's initial organization.

There will be approximately 800 (500 men's and 300 women's) pair available online for $95, and USATF wants to sell them all.

The director of operations says they want to release one or two per year over the next couple of years n order to increase revenue.  Merchandise revenue has already expanded from about $30000 in 2002 to over $1 million in 2009, which is expected to double this year.  It is estimated that revenue should swell to $10 million by 2016.

I'm also a sneaker fiend.  Though I don't get to satisfy my thirst like I used to, I can at least admire the style and technology of a great pair of kicks.  These shoes seem to employ some pretty bright colors, which I'm not such a huge fan of, but the simple and classic styling
is pretty hot.

I'm sure these will be big sellers. This initiative could do wonders for American track and field athletes.  Bringing track and field into the mainstream and blending it with pop culture is sure to take some of the pressure off Lance Armstrong.  If he is discovered to have been cheating, Nike and the Livestrong campaign will undoubtedly part ways.

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